Table of Contents

e-conomic set up

In this document will help you with creating a new application in your e-conomic environment to interact with the Workflows in BusinessMate.

From this guide we will get:

  • AppSecretToken
  • AgreementGrantToken

e-conomic has some Youtube videos to help setup an app as well:

Create an app in e-conomic

The first step is to login into your e-conomic account on:

Then you will be directed to the user homepage.

Figure 1. User homepage

We will now go to the developer account, so click on right top menu as in figure 1. and then select the developer account as showed in figure 2.

If you do not have a developer account, you can create a free developer account to your e-conomic environment at their developer page: 

Figure 2. Select developer account

In the developer page we can now create an app by clicking on the plus icon.

Figure 3. Developer page

On the create page add app name and set a mark as super user in the Roles.

Then click on create app.

Figure 4. Create app


Now copy the AppScretToken and save it and then click continue.

Figure 5. AppScretToken 

installation URL

Next copy the installation URL and click save.

The installation URL is to install the app in your e-conomic environment.

Figure 6. Installation URL

Install app

Go back to homepage and select your user account.

Figure 7. Select user account

Now open a new tab in your browser and insert the installation URL in the URL bar.

Then go to the installation page where you can add the app to your e-conomic environment.

Figure 8. Installation page


Finally, we can get the AgreementGrantToken, copy it and save it.

Now we have all what we need for BussineMate integration.

Figure 9. AgreementGrantToken