Table of Contents


Filter is pilar of BusinessMate, when relevant the filters are used in the same way in the platform.

at a list to filter the present view of the list.

in a menu 

in a KPI

in a workflow or in the trigger of a workflow

I all the places the filter returns the record matching the filter.

In a workflow that leads to returning the record ([true]) or not returning the record ([false])


Text filters

When you use filters in the text, you have 6 options. 

Is: Is a full match on the text,

Is not: The search string is not the same as the text

Contains: The search string is at least one in the text

Does not contain: The search string is not in the text

Starts with: The search string is the first letters off the text

text filter

Number filters

 you can use the comparisons

number filter

Date Filters


date filter

Select filters

if you want to have on of you can include two filters with or

select filter
Filter select group

Filter groups,

Use filter groups when you need to combine “and” and “or” in your filter

in the example you look for records that match one of the 3 groups

To match the first number should be more than 2 and the date before 17/10 


Special features: My Records,

When a user needs to see records referred to her the filter can refer to the object user and look for records where there is a reference to her. 

Default there are a created by and updated by property on all records, if you are looking for records created by you, then your filter should be “created by” is

Filter assigned to me

When you are in a list (being the owner) you can create a Menu Point or a KPI directly from a filter

save filter as menu or KPI

Filter in workflows.

If you in a workflow in working with records from a table, then you would need to apply filters to get the collection you need. As part of the properties calling the record get all method is the filter, in the sample you can see it as data = “{JSON statement}”
in this sample there is a basic filter group with one filter
the filter requires that f_priority is 2 

If you have a additional requirement that can be added before “]”

same structure as between []

     type: 'FILTER',
     fieldApiName: 'f_priority',
     comparator: 'is',
     value: "2",

I the second sample you can see the same criteria twice.

In the filter group ‘AND’ both needs to be true, if the logicalOp were ‘OR’ only one of them needs to be true.

The requirement for a filter in workflows is that there should always have a FILTER_GROUP at the top level. I should also have at least one FILTER, where at least one property has a logic statement that can be true or false, including one of the comparators below
You can use the following comparators







Date and time:

const data =
      filters: {
        type: 'FILTER_GROUP',
        logicalOp: 'AND',
        filters: [
            type: 'FILTER',
            fieldApiName: 'f_priority',
            comparator: 'is',
            value: "2",
const data =
      filters: {
        type: 'FILTER_GROUP',
        logicalOp: 'AND',
        filters: [
            type: 'FILTER',
            fieldApiName: 'f_priority',
            comparator: 'is_not',
            value: "1",

type: 'FILTER', fieldApiName: 'f_priority', comparator: 'is_not', value: "3", },
comparators in workflows
comparators in workflows