When you get onboarded to BusinessMate the most basic configurations have already been set up for you. You just need to add a few settings, and relevant data to setup BusinessMate for your business
– The user who signs up for the tenant will be the first member of “Organization Administrators” and the first member of “Table Administrators” which are the two most powerful permissions out of the box.
Organization administrators control data in the tables Users and Groups. The Table Administrators can control new tables and take ownership of tables he/she has created.
the quick guide to get BusinessMate live in your organization is
1. Setup admins
2. Setup process owners
3. Onboard users
Share the access with users when your process owners have processes available.
As part of the onboarding or in a later stage you might want to use a Business Templates when start building your processes, then you should pick the Business Templates you would need – you can find an overview of templates here.
The Onboarding can also include communication with users via email (your present email system or via the BusinessMate system). communication using SMS/text messages. you can find guides based on your needs here. You find the guides on the class reference page (under guides), where you as well find instructions on how to use them.
You should decide if the system admin (handling users and groups should be done locally or should be done partly using integration with another IAM platform initially that would be Azure AD link to guide.
If you would need another source for user authentication, then contact us to make it available.
1. Define the system administrators and make them members of the Organisation Administrator
as a system admin, you can administrate groups and users,
Create users
Remove user
Create groups
Remove groups,
Make users members of groups
2. Define process owners, those who should be able to build processes/tables/workflows and make them members of Table Administrators.
insert Process owners into the group Table Administrators
A few words on the BusinessMate security systems since it is unique
On a list (a business process) there are defined roles holding permissions.
The owner of the list can assign roles to groups.
Supporting this, the tenant admin should implement relevant groups and users from the organization user admin system (such as Azure AD), If the organization don’t have such a system then groups and users can be created in the BussinesssMate platform.
Local User administration:
– insert or import users [LINK to how to import]
– Assign Tabel Administrators
– Assign additional Organisation Administrators (If needed)
-Define the groups you would like to manage your business, normally for each business area you would use the following groups
– Managers (controlling the business, with the option to archive and delete)
– Fullfilers(running the activities in the business, create, read, update records)
– Requesters (“customer of the process, create and read, maybe update own records, or records for hers area/organization)
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